Where to Place Mirror in Bedroom? Top 10 Placement Ideas

A bedroom is the heart of a house that’s why people never miss a chance to make their room more unique and luxurious. A well-designed bedroom combines elements of functionality and aesthetics which ensures a peaceful environment. People use different techniques and methods to improve their room’s functionality and aesthetics. But do you know, you can use mirrors to create a charming, luxurious, and peaceful environment in your bedroom?

A strategically placed mirror can make the room feel more spacious and create a luxurious look in your bedroom. Here, we will explore where to place mirror in bedroom to improve functionality and aesthetics by placing it strategically.

Top 10 Mirror Placement Ideas for Bedroom

Experts say that mirrors are an excellent element not only for functionality but also for the aesthetics of a space. Below, I’ve listed the best mirror placement ideas that designers commonly use in bedrooms.

1. Above the Dresser or Vanity

This is the place where a mirror is not an option it becomes a necessity because a mirror placed above the dresser or vanity is both practical and stylish. It enhances the functionality of the space by providing a convenient spot for grooming, makeup, or getting ready. Designers often recommend using a mirror with a stylish or modern frame that complements the decor to add a touch of elegance.

Mirror Above the Dresser or Vanity

If you have a dresser or vanity, you should put a mirror above it to fulfill the functionality. Before installing a mirror make sure that your vanity or dresser area is not facing directly to the bed where you sleep because when you place a mirror above the vanity which is directly facing to the bed can disturb your sleep. I have already explained how a mirror facing to bed can disturb your sleep in the “How to Cover a Mirror in Bedroom” article, you can check it out from there.

2. Opposite a Window

A mirror placed opposite a window is a most popular interior design trick to enhance natural light and create the illusion of a larger space. By reflecting the view of the outside from the window, the mirror brings the outdoors inside, making the room feel brighter and more open. This technique works particularly well in smaller rooms or spaces with limited light.

mirror Opposite a Window in bedroom

So if you have something beautiful like greenery, nature beauty, or attractive design outside your window, Use a mirror Opposite your bedroom’s window to reflect it inside. That will help you to create a calming effect in your bedroom.

3. Create a mirror out of an entire wall

If you have a large and empty wall in your bedroom and you are confused about how can you fill that space and what should you do to decorate that space then you can opt for a full-length or oversized mirror that will act as a statement piece, adding both style and the illusion of extra space.

Mirror on entire wall of bedroom

Although you have too many options to decorate a large empty wall of your bedroom, a large mirror in bedroom will give you a feel of luxury and style. Designers often recommend placing mirrors on empty walls to achieve a balanced and aesthetically pleasing layout in the room.

4. Near the Closet or Wardrobe

Placing a mirror near the closet or wardrobe is a practical and stylish choice that will enhance both functionality as well as aesthetics. A mirror near the closet or wardrobe offers convenience for dressing and outfit checks which allows you to quickly assess your appearance before heading out. You should opt for a full-length mirror if possible because it provides head-to-toe visibility which ensures that every detail of your outfit is in place or not.

mirror near the closet or wardrobe in bedroom

In smaller bedrooms, a mirror creates an illusion of space that makes the area feel larger while reflecting light to brighten the wardrobe space. It also enhances the overall functionality of the wardrobe area by adding a touch of style and sophistication.

This is the most famous and most used technique to give a unique and modern look to a bedroom. You can use different types of mirrors that can complement your bedroom decor.

5. Mirror Behind the Bed (Instead of a Headboard)

A mirror placed behind the bed is a popular and trending technique to make a room luxurious and modern. This is a creative technique that people also use, Using a mirror behind the bed instead of a traditional headboard creates a stunning visual impact, instantly becoming the focal point of the room. In terms of design of the bedroom, mirrors can enhance the room’s symmetry and balance, especially if they are large and framed.

If you are a man who loves to live in bright spaces then you are going to love this mirror trick. There are numerous frame designs to choose from according to your bedroom decor.

Mirror Behind the Bed (Instead of a Headboard)

When considering Feng Shui, placing a mirror behind the bed is sometimes viewed cautiously, as it can be seen as too stimulating in such a restful space. However, with mindful positioning and the right frame, it can be incorporated in a way that maintains harmony and relaxation.

6. Mirror over the Bed

Again a creative idea that will help you to boost your bedroom’s decor. A mirror above the bed can be a bold design choice that adds elegance and enhances the ambiance of a bedroom. It reflects light and makes the space feel larger and brighter.

Mirror over the Bed

Some experts believe that Placing a mirror above the bed is not a good idea but some also believe that it can be a great idea if the bed is a little distance away from the wall because it reduces the possibility of a falling mirror on the bed and reduces the accidental possibility.

7.  On the door

If your room is congested or doesn’t have extra space for a mirror, place a mirror on the entrance door of the bedroom. It is the smartest and most space-saving design idea that designers suggest to their clients, especially in small rooms. It adds both functionality and aesthetic appeal.

mirror On the door

A full-length mirror on the door is practical for checking outfits before leaving the room, while also reflecting light, making the space feel brighter and more open. Before putting a mirror on the door make sure that the door is not facing directly to the bed.

8. On a Large, Empty Wall

If your room has an empty wall and you are thinking of doing something different to decorate your bedroom, you can use a mirror or a group of mirrors to give a unique and luxurious look. A mirror on a large, empty wall is not only functional but also adds significant aesthetic value to a room. It breaks up the monotony of a bare wall, creating visual interest while enhancing the overall design.

mirror On a Large, Empty Wall

Choosing the right size of the mirror is key—ensure the mirror fits the wall proportionally and also balances with nearby furniture. For example, a mirror two-thirds the width of a sofa or console creates visual harmony. Try to hang it at eye level for practical and aesthetic appeal. You can also get creative with mirror arrangements. Try to grouping smaller mirrors or placing one slightly off-center for a unique, artistic touch that keeps the room balanced.

9. In the Corners of the Bedroom

Again a unique mirror placement idea for small bedrooms, a mirror in the corners of a bedroom can make the space feel larger and more open by reflecting light and creating the illusion of depth. It’s an ideal choice for smaller bedrooms, as it enhances brightness and visually expands the room.

mirror In the Corners of the Bedroom

Corner mirrors also add an elegant design element that creates a balanced look without overwhelming the space. To make the most of this idea, try to opt for a full-length mirror or a decorative piece that complements the room’s style. Make sure it reflects something pleasant, like a plant or artwork, for a harmonious feel.

10. On a sliding closet door

One of the most trending mirror placement techniques in the bathroom. If you have a sliding closet door in your bedroom then you should opt for this idea of mirror placement. A mirror on a sliding closet door is a practical and stylish addition to a bedroom. It serves the dual purpose of providing a full-length mirror while saving space, as it’s integrated into the door rather than taking up wall or floor space.

mirror On a sliding closet door

This setup of mirrors can make a room feel larger by reflecting light and creating the illusion of depth. It also enhances the functionality that offers a convenient spot for getting dressed or checking your appearance. It also fits seamlessly into various interior styles, from modern to traditional which makes it a versatile design choice.

Where Not to Place Mirror in Bedroom?

When placing mirrors in a bedroom, it’s important to be mindful of their positioning for both practical and aesthetic reasons. Here are some locations in a bedroom where you should avoid placing a mirror.

1. Directly Facing the Bed

A mirror placed directly facing the bed is often discouraged in interior design, especially in bedrooms, due to both aesthetic and psychological reasons. From a design perspective, a mirror reflecting directly into the bed can create a sense of discomfort. In most cases, it is found that those people who placed mirrors facing the bed are more likely to experience restlessness or disturbed sleep. This may be because the constant reflection can feel intrusive or distracting.

Also in Feng Shui, mirrors facing the bed are believed to disrupt sleep by reflecting the surrounding energy which leades to restlessness and poor sleep quality. Additionally, waking up to your own reflection can be jarring or unsettling, which may negatively affect your mood and overall sleep experience.

If you already have a mirror facing your bed, you can try a few simple fixes. You could move the mirror to a different spot in the room, cover it with a cloth or curtain when you go to sleep, or choose a place for the mirror where it’s less noticeable, like on a side wall or inside a closet door. This helps create a more relaxing atmosphere for better sleep.

2. Facing a Cluttered Area

Mirrors show whatever is in front of them. If a mirror is placed facing a messy spot, like an untidy closet, dresser, or pile of clothes, it makes the clutter look bigger and more noticeable. This can make the room feel even more disorganized and chaotic, rather than calm and relaxing. So, it’s important to avoid placing mirrors where they reflect messy areas in the bedroom.

If we talk about it’s solution, instead of putting a mirror directly across from your bed, try placing it where it reflects something nice, like a piece of artwork, a beautiful window, or some decorative items. This way, the mirror enhances the room’s beauty and creates a more pleasant atmosphere.

3. Opposite the Bedroom Door or facing to entrance gate

A mirror placed directly across from the bedroom door can create a surprising reflection when you walk in, which can be a bit startling. This setup might also make the room feel smaller, especially if the mirror shows a lot of activity from other areas of the house.

Instead of putting the mirror right across from the door, try placing it on a side wall. This way, it won’t be in the way when you walk in and will feel less overwhelming.

4. Too Low or Too High

This is the most common mistake that people make. Putting a mirror at the wrong height can make it hard to use and look awkward. If a mirror is too low, you won’t be able to see your reflection properly. On the other hand, if it’s too high, it can make the room look unbalanced and strange. So it’s important to place mirrors at a height where they are easy to see and fit well with the room’s look.

To solve this problem of mirror placement, Always try to position the mirror at eye level or slightly higher for a balanced and practical placement.

5. On a Ceiling or Above the Bed

Another mistake people make while placing a mirror in the bedroom is that they put a mirror just over their bed. Putting mirrors on the ceiling or directly above the bed can be distracting and might make the bedroom feel uncomfortable. This setup is often seen in hotels or unique designs but isn’t great for getting good sleep or feeling relaxed. Although some people use to place mirror above their bed for their personal

If you want to opt for something different, it’s better to opt for a statement wall mirror behind the bed rather than above or on the ceiling for a unique design element.



  • Maksudan Sharma

    I am a Btech student and the founder of 360designin.com. currently working as a intern in a home decor company. I have three years of experience in blog writing. If you want to contact me, you can mail me on my email address [email protected]

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